Monday, January 11, 2010

Sledding in Norfolk aka "The Arctic"!!

At the beginning of the month we went to Norfolk to Regan's parents to celebrate Christmas. The boys got an early present - sleds, so we had to try them out!! Little did we know that it was like 8 degrees, until we got outside. Jack and I left shortly after we got to the "sledding sight" and the rest of the boys followed shortly!! But I was able to get a few shots!

That tiny black and red speck is Carson and the line a little in front on him is a 10 foot drop off into a little creep, needless to say I was panicking just a little as he just kept going and going on his new "rocket sled"!!!

Here is Jack in his very own toddler sled with a seat and buckle to keep him safely inside - he went super fast too, so daddy had to chase him down!!

Quite a hill to go back up...luckily Regan is strong and can pull Jack back up. Carson had no problem climbing back up, he just walked on top of all the snow, the rest of us sank down to about our knees!!
Rosy cheeked little boy!!!

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