Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Finally...a little catch up with the Stoops' Boys!!!

Jack in the box!!!Having fun on the airplane. This picture was taken after we talked Carson into pushing Jack after "little brother" pushed Carson for about 20 minutes!!!
Who's bigger?
Angel Baby!
How cute is this picture?!!!
Blowing everyone a kiss!!!
Jack was ready for pictures this time...
Carson not so much - he was busy!
Fixing his hair! Jodi are you proud?!!!!!
Fixing brothers hair!!
Here's Carson being cheesy!!!
This picture was taken forever ago - Carson and I made a city with tunnel around his train track!!
These were also taken forever ago. Carson got a limbo game for Christmas and we played it one afternoon...by we I mean Regan and the boys!!

Jack's got the right idea!
Jack wanted to move the poles...Carson did not want to move the poles...

Retaliation...Look who won!!!
The face of innocence!!!!
Carson wearing his new Snuggie Grandma Tori made him!! He loves it!! Thanks Mom!

Sorry for the broken promise - it's been a little crazy around here!!!! Will work hard to keep the pictures coming!!!! We are working on a "new camera fund", so they will be better and more fun to take!!!!

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